Business Proofreading Service

Why Outsource Proofreading & Editing?

Paper BlazerProofreading

Companies must express themselves effectively. This is especially obvious with social media. Businesses are writing more now than ever before — such as posting or advertising multiple times per day.  This means that outsourcing your proofreading is a must for your business.

Many applications like Grammarly do basic proofreading, but editing involves more than just spell checks. A well-written article or document requires feedback from real, human editors. Companies should not depend on automation, since online professional editors are only “a click away.”

Documents benefit from many processes to check for errors. Some of these processes include editing and proofreading. This includes checks for wrong words, typos, inaccurate referencing, and syntax checking. The difference between a good and great written document is the quality of proofreading. Proofreading is, no doubt, a tedious job, but it dramatically impacts the general quality of writing. Proofreading checks for errors in a text before publishing. It is usually the last stage of the writing process, and its importance cannot be overemphasized.

Editing is done by expert writers who focus on content. For example, in our premium service, PaperBlazer offers feedback on rhetorical effectiveness so that your readers are persuaded. We also comment on spacing, graphics, idioms, and more — aspects that only a professional editor would notice.

Proofreading focuses on surface-level errors that the original writer might not see. A proofreader takes a microscopic view of every word used in the document to ensure that there is little or no room for inconsistencies, misspelled words, misused punctuations, syntax, and formatting errors. Proofreading is best done after the article or document has undergone a careful editing process.

This article aims to explain the reasons why it is best for companies to outsource proofreading.  Outsourcing means using a third party to benefit from specialization and expertise. 

Why would a company want to outsource proofreading? Outsourcing has become very prevalent in the business world, and it is no surprise that many businesses now outsource documents for proofreading and editing.  Outsourcing has many benefits, which are summarized below.

Why outsource company documents?

1) Upgraded quality

Proofreaders have mastered the “science” of writing, including an excellent grasp of spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Such writing expertise involves the continuous study of the language to learn different writing styles and methods. For example, the English language adds many new words and phrases over time. Also, some words become extinct or redundant.

Building the capacity to excellently carry out the science of writing involves a lot of commitment. For example, a proofreader or editor will be involved in the other processes of writing. Something interesting about proofreading is that individual touch needs to be cultivated. Proofreading is a specialty, since it follows very rigid rules. There are rules and processes. Every word is scrutinized.

2) Increased Feedback

A proofreader should be detached from the piece of writing. This is a benefit, since a business can get feedback from an outside source.  Companies may not notice errors, but a proofreader benefits from this detachment. This is why proofreading should be outsourced. It is easier for the proofreader to avoid such pitfalls and dispassionately read the work to search for errors.

3) Professional Service

Proofreaders fix documents in a professional way. They prepare themselves physically and mentally for the rigor that is involved in proofreading a document. Good proofreading involves immense focus, undiluted concentration, and eye for details. To achieve the level of professionalism required for a good output, proofreaders perfect their skills over time.

Outsourcing proofreading to a proofreading and editing company will lead to professional results. Outsourcing proofreading to professionals or proofreading agencies ensures that you can access experts with years of experience in various genres.

4) Constructive Criticism

Proofreading is usually the last line of action before publishing. Imagine if all the processes involved in the writing of a book were done in-house? What an echo chamber it will be! A proofreader offers an external opinion on the work. The job entails reviewing every word in the document. When proofreading is done outside of a company, the text can be critiqued by a helpful confidant — which is much better than having those errors noticed by customers!

5) Better Usage of Software 

Proofreading involves using software and applications to help the proofreader detect errors. Several applications perform a similar group of tasks, but their efficiency is different in different aspects of proofreading. Grammarly, for instance, is excellent in word suggestion, finding repetitive words, and flagging possible grammatical errors. However, Grammarly is deficient in making general alterations to the overall document. Some other software is ProWriting aid, Scrivener, Copyleaks plagiarism checker, and many more. This software has a different modus operandi and requires experience to use them efficiently, so with limited time and resources, it can be difficult for a company to do on their own. Outsourcing proofreading can extremely helpful in speeding this process along.

6) Greater Flexibility

When proofreading jobs are outsourced, a business benefits from extra flexibility. A company can easily hire for individual jobs, based on their needs.  For example, a large company uses PaperBlazer for after-hours editing.  That way, they do not need to hire for third-shift, and edit documents are are ready when the company starts again in the morning.

Also, companies have the luxury of hiring editors when needed. They might even choose to hire different proofreaders at different times of the year — such as during a busy season. Outsourcing allows a company to have more options.

7) Affordability

For every business, cost matters.  Outsourcing proofreading will cost money, of course, but far less than hiring a full-time editor.  You pay by the project, not by the hour, so you never overpay.  Also, you don’t pay for other costs, such as training, insurance, vacation time, etc. Companies that outsource proofreading are not burdened but these extra costs. In the long run, the total fixed cost of a company that outsources proofreading is reduced by a considerable margin.

In short, proofreaders can help your business. They specialize in finalizing documents so that you make more money. They prevent grammatical errors, capitalization errors, numbering errors, spelling errors, and much more.

What can companies outsource for proofreading and editing?  The list is endless, but PaperBlazer has helped with a variety of documents, including the following:

  • Business letters
  • Marketing booklets
  • Contracts and proposals
  • App descriptions
  • Advertisements
  • Annual reviews
  • Website content
  • And much more!


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