Proofreading & Editing Blog — Learn How to Edit Better.


Normal buttons

Flat corners
[/one_third] [one_third]
Subtle corners
[/one_third] [one_third_last]
Rounded corners
[/one_third_last] [hr/]

Fancy buttons

Flat corners
[/one_third] [one_third]
Subtle corners
[/one_third] [one_third_last]
Rounded corners
[/one_third_last] [hr/]

Buttons with customizable colors

[one_fifth] [/one_fifth] [one_fifth] [/one_fifth] [one_fifth] [/one_fifth] [one_fifth] [/one_fifth] [one_fifth_last] [/one_fifth_last] [hr/]

[button] shortcode parameters:

[table style=”border”] Parameter name Parameter description Possible values Default value text The button text url The button destination URL size The button size small, medium or large medium corners The button corners style flat, subtle or rounded subtle type The button type normal or fancy normal newWindow Open the button link in a new window/tab true or false false txtColor The button text color Any hexadecimal color value bgColor The button background color Any hexadecimal color value txtColorHover The button text color on mouse hover Any hexadecimal color value bgColorHover The button background color on mouse hover Any hexadecimal color value [/table]