Edit Papers Fast - Tips to Help Fix Documents Quickly

7 Tips to Edit Papers Fast

Paper BlazerProofreading

Need to edit your paper fast? Deadlines often mean limited time — which then leads to mistakes. So, when you need to edit in a hurry, here are some suggestions from our expert editors:

1) Ask someone to help.

This might seem counter-intuitive, but think about it.  If another person helps you edit, you can ensure that you find and avoid more mistakes. All writers edit to some degree, but the best writers ask for help — which is why, of course, most books have editors. There’s no shame in asking for help. In fact, it demonstrates humility, since proofreading and editing allows you to learn from others.

Some people ask friends or relatives to help. Just keep in mind that they might not be experts, so you’ll want to consider these other tips as well.  To overcome this, one idea is to have one person proofread and another edit. Since proofreading and editing are different, you might need assistance with both grammar and content.

2) Edit without stopping.

Too often, writers edit little by little, but miss the big picture.  When editing, keep going. Some mistakes are missed by overanalyzing, getting distracted, or reading too slowly. It is important to keep moving when editing, since you can edit with the whole scope in view. Once errors are caught, of course, you can then slow down and fix those specific errors.

3) Check the topic sentences of each paragraph.

Topic sentences guide the organization. They function like steps in GPS directions. If you review the topic sentences and lose sense of what is happening, then that’s a sign that the topic sentences should be reworded.  Checking topic sentences is one of the most effective ways to review the overall flow and organization of a document.

4) Edit faster by focusing on longer sentences.

Roughly 90% of grammar errors are in long sentences.  In the hundreds of documents that we have edited over the years, we’ve made this observation: most mistakes happen in long sentences.  Why is that? In long sentences, the rhetorical focus can be lost, and there is an increased chance of losing readers. In many cases, commas are forgotten, and in other cases, too many commas are added.

5) Read the paper “backwards.”

Even the best of writers become blind to their own mistakes. Editing helps with this, but when reading straight through a paper, a writer’s mind anticipates what is coming — which means overlooking obvious errors.  Of course, an easy way to overcome this is by asking for help from an editor, but another idea is to read “backwards.”

What does that mean? In short, you can read backwards in two ways: (1) read each sentence in a paragraph, but start with the last and work towards the first; (2) read full paragraphs, but start with the final paragraph and work towards the first. By editing in this way, you will find more mistakes.

6)  Cover sentences.

To focus on editing, use your finger or paper to cover surrounding sentences.  This will help your eyes not get distracted by surrounding content, and you won’t accidentally lose your place.  Getting distracted means losing time, and even a few seconds here and there adds up quickly. This is why our editors at PaperBlazer use such techniques to check each sentence. Additionally, if you’re using a computer, you can use full screen display to focus your attention on the document that needs editing.

7) Hire a professional editor.

The most effective way — not to mention the easiest way — is to get help from grammar professionals. In particular, find an editor experienced in efficient editing practices. Special skill is needed when you need quick turnaround and excellent results, so when you need to edit your paper or document in a hurry, check with our experts who specialize in fast editing.

We are here to help whenever you need fast editing, and PaperBlazer focuses on expedited and efficient editing. Our fast editing service will edit your document within hours, and we can start on your document right away.



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