To save money, try our proofreading and editing service. We offer budget pricing but more features. Try us today to see the difference.
We will review your document and provide professional feedback within hours — but best of all, you pay less. For 1000 words, the cost is only $25. Instead of paying by the page, you only pay per word, which saves you money.
Unlike other services, we make most changes in the text for you. We use side comments for suggestions, yet obvious changes (e.g., adding a comma) are inserted for you. In addition to money, this saves you time.
PaperBlazer provides extra value at a lower cost. Affordable proofreading does not mean hiring a random person. It means getting more for your money.
Many people come to PaperBlazer after having bad experiences elsewhere. That often means they paid for proofreading twice. Instead of making that mistake, choose PaperBlazer first so you avoid spending more.
Affordable proofreading service does not mean “cheap quality.” Yes, the cost is only a few cents per word, but you receive world-class feedback at a lower rate. This is why multibillion-dollar corporations use our service — because they know they get a lot for less.
How do we offer such affordable proofreading? PaperBlazer cuts out the “middlemen” so the cost of proofreading is lower. There is less administrative fees with a service like ours, and you get personalized support on your document.
Better Editing at a Better Price.
Savings guaranteed.
Pay less for proofreading and editing. You save 60% or more with PaperBlazer — plus, you get faster turnaround. With PaperBlazer, get higher-quality editing at a fraction of the cost.