Proofreading & Editing Blog


7 Tips to Edit Papers Fast

Need to edit your paper fast? Deadlines often mean limited time -- which then leads to mistakes. So, when you...
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Fast Proofreading & Editing Service

When you need high-quality, fast proofreading, remember that turnaround speed and quality results depend on many factors.  Choosing the best...
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Real Human Editors vs. Computer Editing Software

Many people ask the question, "What is better: a human editor or computer editing software?" It's a good question to...
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The #1 Cure for Writer’s Block

Ever get stuck while writing?  If so, that's usually called "writer's block." The blank page remains blank, and you have...
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Rhetoric & Writing: Ethos, Pathos, Logos

Rhetoric concerns how to skillfully communicate for specific purposes.  While we do this intuitively, the Greek philosopher Aristotle provided helpful...
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Fast Proofreading & Editing Service

Do you need fast editing service?  To ensure quick turnaround for your document, here are some suggestions that will help:...
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Fast Proofreading & Editing | Express Service, 24/7

Do you need fast editing service?  When you need a quick turnaround for your document, here are some suggestions that...
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Grammar Tip: Colons vs. Semicolons

What is the difference between a colon and a semicolon? It's easy to confuse these -- mostly because of their...
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Affordable Proofreading & Editing Service

Need affordable proofreading and editing? PaperBlazer offers both high quality service and budget prices.  We do this in two respects....
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Creative Writing & Editing

Are you a creative writer? Take your creative writing to the next level with PaperBlazer. Our editors carefully read your...
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Proofreading & Editing for Scientific Research – #1 Online

Are you writing scientific research?  Whether its a medical study, a psychology study, or another kind of scientific data, your research would benefit...
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Affordable Dissertation Proofreading & Editing

Need help with your dissertation?  We are here for you!  PaperBlazer offers affordable proofreading and editing for all kinds of documents,...
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Academic Resources for Religious/Philosophical/Scriptural Study

Academic resources are those sources written by experts in that respective topic or field.  These academically-leaning sources can include encyclopedias, journal...
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Research Outline Tip: Think “Square” Rather Than “Line”

Need to write an outline in a hurry? Want to speed up your research? Generally, when research writers develop an...
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Improving Your Words: Introduction to Revision (Ch. 2)

  The greatest myth about writing relates to effort.  Beginning writers think that professional writers only need one try -- that...
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Featured on Google

Have you seen us on Google?   Maybe you've seen us in Google's search results or saw our Google ad. Either...
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Free Amazon E-Book Cover with Our Editing Service

Increase sales with a designed cover. Are you self-publishing on Amazon? Get your free e-book cover and increase sales today.  With...
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Basic Writing Rules: The Foundation of Good Writing (Ch. 1)

Good writing can be thought of as a pyramid.  At the foundation, these basic rules underlie more advanced ones.  As...
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How to Proofread Like a Master

Do you need to proofread your document?  If you have never been a proofreader, it can overwhelming, since there are so...
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Quick Proofreading Service

PaperBlazer will proofread any document within hours.  We offer fast speeds, affordable prices, and personal assistance.  If you need quick proofreading, there's...
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